Pope Francis arrives in Indonesia to kick off his ambitious Asia-Pacific tour

by Abbas Adil

Shafaqna India: On Tuesday, enthusiastic Indonesians waved as a motorcade carried Pope Francis through the capital, marking the start of his ambitious Asia-Pacific tour, during which he is expected to call for global climate action. This is the 87-year-old pontiff’s longest trip yet, with plans to visit East Timor, Singapore, and Papua New Guinea over the next 10 days.

Arriving at Jakarta airport in a wheelchair, Pope Francis was assisted by a lift from a chartered plane. Two children in traditional attire presented him with a bouquet of local produce. He was then welcomed by Indonesia’s religious affairs minister, the Vatican envoy, and several bishops on a red carpet lined with honor guards. Smiling and waving, the pope departed in a car, as small groups of people cheered along his route to the Vatican embassy, where he is staying.

“I’m so happy, I feel so blessed,” said Enny Rahail, 52, who traveled 3,000 km from her home in southeast Maluku to Jakarta and stood for two hours in the midday heat to catch a glimpse of the pope outside the embassy. “As Indonesians, we are happy because the Catholic leader has come to our country,” she added, calling Pope Francis an “advocate for peace” and admitting she was moved to tears as he arrived.

The elderly pope had no public events scheduled for Tuesday to allow for rest after his 13-hour overnight flight from Rome. However, shortly after reaching the embassy, Francis held an informal meeting with a group of refugees residing in Indonesia.

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