Shafaqna Dictionary of Shia Islam in Media: The Savior

by Abbas Adil

Shafaqna Dictionary of Shia Islam in Media is a multilingual collection of Shia Graphs that explain the words used in Shia News and Shia Media.

The Savior

Believing in the savior exists in different religions, nations, and ethnicities with completely different rituals and cultures. And in them, the savior, the promised one, and the redemptive has been presented in various forms. Hindus expect the tenth manifestation of Vishnu or Kalki; Buddhists are waiting for the appearance of the fifth Buddha; Jews consider Christ (Masih (AS)) as the savior; Christians wait for Faraqleit (paracletus), whom Jesus Christ (AS) enunciated his coming; And finally, the Muslims who believe in the appearance of Imam Mahdi (AJ).

“And we have already written in the book [of Psalms] after the [previous] mention that the land [of paradise] is inherited by my righteous servants.”

Holy Quran (21:105)



La creencia en el salvador existe en diferentes religiones, naciones y etnias con rituales y culturas completamente diferentes, y en ellas se ha presentado al salvador, prometido y salvador en diversas formas. Los hindúes esperan la décima manifestación de Vishnu o Kalki; Los budistas esperan la aparición del quinto Buda; Los judíos consideran a Cristo (Mesías) como el salvador; Los cristianos preguntan por Farkleit, que Jesucristo ha dado la buena noticia de su venida; Y finalmente, los musulmanes que creen en la aparición de Imam Mahdi (AJ).

“Ciertamente mencionamos en los Libros revelados anteriormente, y en la Tabla Protegida , que el Paraíso será heredado por Mis siervos justos.

El Sagrado Coran (21:105)

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